Monday, March 5, 2012

March for Babies

I recently began thinking that, before I get to the Princess in 2013, I should sign up for some 5ks or something between now and then to give me smaller goals to work towards. There is one in April that I am very interested in - the 5th Annual Fallen Heroes 5k.  It supports the Wounded Warrior Project and the Gainesville Fisher House. (Click HERE to view the flyer).

However, last week the family and I went to Disney for One More Disney Day and it kicked my butt.  I ended up calling in sick on Friday, but I did check my work email just in case there were any little fires I needed to put out. 

In my inbox was an email from our Director about making a team for the March of Dimes walk.  What irony! So when I got to work this morning, I signed up for it.  It is an 8.6 mile course that starts at Westwood Middle School (near Westside Park) at 8am. Click on the March of Dimes logo for my personal page.

I think that this will be a great way for me to get a taste of what a long walk feels like, even though I don't know if I'm ready yet...

But then again, I got lost in Payne's Prairie one year (long day and long story) and I go to Disney a lot, so I think I can handle 8 miles! Positive thinking is what I need!!!!

Please donate to March of Dimes. It is one of the few charities that I wholeheartedly believe in!

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