Thursday, May 17, 2012

Bondi Bands!

After a very sweaty run on Wednesday, I decided that I need some sweat bands. I have one that I got at Walmart for a buck - it's as thick as a gas station maxi-pad and about as absorbent. I needed something better.

Ta da! Bondibands!  I've seen a lot of great reviews for these on the Dis, so I took a look around and ended up ordering these 5:
All 5 of them lined up

White on teal: "If I'm doing this, it must be getting cold in HELL!"
Too bad it's not getting any colder in FLORIDA!

White on grey: "Not fast but not last!"
My goal is always to finish and not be last, so I'll wear this one a lot!

White on Hot Pink (even if it looks red)
I got this one for DD for the FAM 5k next weekend.

White on Purple (it's a really nice grape purple, too!)
This is for me, to match DD next weekend (I'm not normally THAT mom, but what the heck!?!)

Silver on Black
Every princess-in-training needs a tiara to train in!

Use promo code FIVE to get 5 Bondi Bands for $25

Use Promo code ONE to get a free Bondi Band when you buy three (Buy 3 Get 1 Free)

Over the weekend, I took DD to JCP to pick up some spring clothes (she is almost as tall as me now!) and also to get some running gear. We got her a pair of compression capris and a tech tee in lime green - that will look fabulous with a hot pink Bondi Band!  Oh well - she is happy with the choice and ready to run!

DD helped me pick out a new running skirt and tech tee (in aqua blue) for Mother's Day, and I also snagged a pair of black compression capris so that I'd have a back-up pair.  

Guess what, folks??? Both the skirt and the capris are SIZE LARGE!!!!!  LARGE!!!! I have not seen the word LARGE on my clothes - without an X or, God help me, XX - in DECADES!!!  Part of me knows that clothing makers are cutting things bigger and 20 years ago this large I'm freaking out about would have been an XL, but you know what I have to say about that?  SHUT UP, I'm in a LARGE!

The skirt is a good length - the shorts on the inside come down past those wonderful saddlebags on my inner thighs (so no chub rub there) and covers the dimply wasteland of my back thighs!  I'll probably wear it next week to break it in, but I plan on wearing my trusty capris to get me through the FAM 5k this weekend!

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