Thursday, November 22, 2012

I'm Thankful!

Happy Thanksgiving

Growing up, we were never a family to sit at the table for Thanksgiving and to go around and name one thing each of us are thankful for. We only recently started doing that at OUR meals at home. 

I figured I would welcome you to the table and tell you what I’m thankful for this year.

I’m thankful for whoever posted that video on YouTube that made me think that I could do a half-marathon. That person gave me the kick in the butt that I needed to change my physical habits.

I’m thankful for my family for being so supportive of what I’m doing.

I’m thankful to myself that I haven’t talked myself out of this goal.

I’m thankful to you that I have a place to talk without fear.

I’m thankful for everything that I have.

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