Tuesday, April 22, 2014

WDW Half-Marathon, here I come!?

Or not....

Ever since Wine and Dine sold out, I’ve been planning to sign up for the WDW Marathon Weekend Half Marathon.  Early registration for passholders came and went, and I wasn’t able to sign up, due to budget. I figured that I would be able to save up enough in the next month or so to be able to sign up when the regular registration came around.

I was wrong.

Since it is the 10th of the Goofy Challenge (Half-Marathon and Marathon), the half sold out a LOT quicker than expected.

WDW Half marathon sold out in just three days!  Last year, it took over four MONTHS to sell out!

The marathon is still available, as is the Goofy Challenge, but I’m not an idiot!

However, now BOTH of the Disney races I really wanted to do have sold out quicker than I can pay for them. 

I guess I’ll start banking for the 2015 Wine and Dine and the 2016 WDW Marathon Weekend Half-Marathon!  Certainly gives me PLENTY of time to save up!!!  If I start today and save $20 per paycheck, I'll have $460 by the time Wine and Dine comes around again! Barring any exorbitant (ha!) price increases by runDisney, that should cover BOTH races!

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