Tuesday, April 3, 2012

What's on the horizon?

Last week, I was pretty busy getting things ready for my mom's 60th birthday party picnic shindig, so I didn't do anything fabulous or spectacular. I did Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday on the treadmill, but ended up skipping the rest of the week. I had food to prep, stuff to go buy, LOTS of stuff to do, so while I didn't get in an actual run, I certainly got a workout!

Her party was really nice and she loved her cake. It was great to see my little niece and nephew, even if they are not so little any more!

I headed back to work on Monday, realizing that I had no race or walk to plan for, and my weekends were free until May, when we were doing a weekend trip to WDW for the Flower & Garden Festival.  I was actually kind of bummed there were no walks or races!!

After I signed up for the MoD race, I had been thinking that it was a good way to get a few walks and races under my belt before the Princess, but hadn't *really* been looking or planning for any! So yesterday afternoon, I dug around active.com and found a few for April, May and July.  I ended up signing up for Susie's Run! a 5k Run, Walk or Stroll on April 28 at Westwood Middle School.

First Annual Run to benefit Spinal Cord Injury Research
 The route is a 2 lap, wheelchair friendly route, that rolls through the tree shaded areas surrounding Westwood Middle School and Westside Park. The run, walk, or roll will finish in the front parking lot of Westwood Middle School with a block party! Music and food will be provided.

When you register, you also get a tee shirt and a patch! I love swag!

I hope the shirt I get looks like a cartoon!

This is the patch - where shall I put it?

There are some great sponsors for this event, including Publix, Fit2Run, Gainesville Running & Walking, RoadID and D'Lites Emporium!

I'm hoping that I can do this in ONE HOUR or less and not kill myself. It would be great to do it in 45 MINUTES, but I don't think I'm there yet. If I can keep a 19-minute mile pace, I can finish in less than one hour. If I can keep a 141/2-minute pace, I can finish in 45 minutes. As of today, I can NOT keep a 14 minute pace.


I've got a little over 3 weeks to train for this (24 days, actually), and while I don't know if I'll meet that 45 minute goal, I know I'll finish, and that is what counts right now!

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