Monday, October 15, 2012

Let's hear it for the crazy lady!


So, remember when I was all happy that I booked my St Augustine 10k?  Remember how I booked that Veteran’s Day 5k for the weekend before? 

I did it again…

In Gainesville, home of the University of Florida Gators, we have something called a Gator Gallop- it’s a 2-mile “Fun Run” that runs before the Homecoming Parade. A few years ago, when I was laid off (2009), I took my daughter to see the Homecoming Parade (something I normally couldn’t do since I was at work).  I saw the people running down the street and half cynically, half sarcastically, half truly said “I’m gonna do that one year.”  

Guess which weekend our homecoming is?  Oh, it’s so hard, but just try to guess….

Friday, November 9th.

I did actually debate this for a while.  I could skip it this year and do it next year. It’s not going anywhere, they’ll do it again.  But, then I reminded myself that I promised myself that one day, I’d do it. If I didn’t do it now, I probably wouldn’t do it next year.

I signed up for it….

Here’s how my November looks:
Friday, November 9th – Gator Gallop – 2 miles
Saturday, November 10th – Annual Passholder New Fantasyland Preview
Monday, November 12th – Gainesville Fisher House 5k
Saturday, November 17th – St Augustine 10k

Holy crap! I’m either really stupid, or really confident that I can do this…..

We’ll see what happens.

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