Thursday, February 28, 2013

Cake Time! - Princess Trip - Day 6 (Wednesday)

I’m so glad that I had the forethought to take today off. I figured that I would be feeling much better by now, but it doesn’t hurt to have an extra recovery day, even to just unpack and do grocery shopping that was skipped over the weekend!

I’m in much less pain today, I don’t even need any Advil or anything. My left ‘ring’ toe still hurts a lot. I’m beginning to think that I’ve got the elusive “Black Runner’s Toenail” and it will fall off. I can’t bring myself to take off my toenail polish though, so I could be way wrong.

As I unpacked all our goodies/swag, I realized that our bag of pins and keyrings were missing! Oh, no! I think that in the craziness of “THREE for EIGHT!!”, the little bag she put the pins in where lost somewhere. I shot off an email to Disney and got a reply back later that day that a CM brought them to Lost and Found and they would be sent to me soon in the mail. I love Disney!

Other than unpacking, following up on a week’s worth of email and Facebook and going grocery shopping, today was a day of chillin’ on the couch!

Oh, and what did I pick up at the grocery store, you should ask?  Well, I think it’s my Celebration Cake!  Many, many (MANY) months ago (seriously, January 2012), while on DisBoards, I posted the following on the WISH thread that I was going to order a Publix cake when I crossed the finish line.

I technically ordered it before I even left town, but I picked it up when I got home. It’s so colorful!  Purple with pink borders and flowers. Wow!

Yellow cake with buttercream frosting from Publix - I don't even bake cakes anymore - these are THAT good!

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