Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Ursula's Face

In the quest to come up with a costume, I was also thinking about whether or not I should wear makeup.  Nothing major, not a full face or anything, but maybe some mascara - waterproof, of course!

As I am wont to do, however, I kept thinking and planning, and soon, mascara was joined by teal eye liner and red lips.  If I'm going to wear a costume, I should wear some Ursula makeup too, right?
I looked around on the internet and read reviews, and played with makeup at Walmart, before deciding on Maybelline Great Lash Waterproof Mascara, NYC Color SmoochProof Lipstain, and Hard Candy Liquid Eyeliner.

Unfortunately for me, between the time I made my decision and the time I'd saved up $20 to buy supplies, Hubby's Super Wal-Mart opened! (I had been shopping at a different SuperWM across town)  Only problem? The new Super Wal-Mart doesn't carry Hard Candy, and the NYC Lipstain was out of stock! Good news, though. They did carry Wet n Wild, which is my favorite "bargain" brand. 

I ended up with:

Wet & Wild MegaLiner in Teal ($3)
Cover Girl Remarkable Waterproof Mascara in Black/Brown ($4)

Revlon Just Bitten Lipstain + Balm in Gothic ($8)

One side has a marker-like tip; the other side has a lip balm
 On Monday, on a whim, I decided to try out the lipstain - by wearing it to work! Me, the gal who doesn't even wear tinted lip balm, wore bright red lip color to work! 

I wanted to see how long it would last under normal conditions, without babying it or paying too much attention to it. I put it on (and let it dry a few minutes) when I did my face in the morning, around 7:30. I sipped my morning Diet Coke with a straw. I drank a juice box (again, with a straw). I ate breakfast (I think it was a muffin I ate with a fork). Nothing budged this lipstain. I applied the balm on the end of the lipstain before I left the house, but also used my Neutrogena Naturals lip balm while at work.

All in all, I'm pleased. The color is not as RED as I was hoping, but this is a stain, not a lipstick, so it's to be expected.  With the balm over top, it makes it shinier, and other non-Revlon balms don't seem to cause any issues (like with Cover Girl Outlast, just sayin!). I didn't feel like I was wearing anything other than lip balm and by lunch time I was still pretty stained.

By the time I got home (about 5:30), I'd completely forgotten that I had it on, so I was surprised to see that there was still some left. There was more around the edges of my lips than in the center, so it kind of looked like a bad liner job. 

So, would I wear this again?  Yeah. Would I buy others? Maybe, if I had a coupon or it was on sale. In different colors, though - I'm just not a bright color kind of gal.

However, for the Princess, there is one more purchase I need to make. Since my lips dry out anyway when I'm running (I'm a mouth-breather), I always have to apply lip balm.  If I'm gonna have to use balm, why not get some GOOD balm?  So, when I go to Wal-Mart next weekend, I'll grab a stick of Burt's Bees Lip Shimmer in Cherry to wear over my Revlon Lipstain and kill two birds with one stone. 

As for the eyeliner, well, it is definitely TEAL! It's kind of hard to see in these photos, however, so at least I didn't look like a crazy person!

(Ignore the crazy wet hair; it didn't dry from my shower!)

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