Thursday, February 28, 2013

This Princess is stuck in a Castillo! - Princess Trip - Day 2 (Saturday)

Welcome back!  Did you miss anything?  Here are links to the other parts of my Princess Trip Report.
Day 1 - The Princess Arrives at the Kingdom

We started our day at MK today, since we only had a finite amount of park time before I needed to head back to the room and get ready for tomorrow.

First up was Haunted Mansion, then over to Big Thunder, a family favorite.

There's room for one more....
She really should wear sunglasses
Hello, other train!
We rode a few times, and let the Kiddo ride a few by herself (I can only handle 2 max before I need a break).

There she is, right in the middle
After that, we stopped for a family photo in front of the castle, and while we were there we encountered PUSH!   

I think it's time to retire the Figment shirt to bedtime only - it used to fit much tighter!
I’d never seen PUSH, so I didn’t know that he talked. It was really fun to see him interacting with guests.

Yes, we are all staring at a trash can. If you know why, you might be addicted to Disney
Across the park, we got in line for Pirates. It was a pretty long line, but since everywhere had a long line, we decided to stick around.  We’d almost gotten into the inside part when word came back through the line that there was a breakdown, but should be up in ‘a few minutes’. We decided to wait, and ended up inching up more in the line due to people bailing. We inched up enough that a CM decided to close the doors, letting people outside know that the ride was down. We were allowed to wait inside, so it was kind of cool to be stuck INSIDE a ride, even if we were only still in the queue. More people bailing, more inching, I think we ended up near the ginormous rum barrel before we were told that it was time to vacate, so we were let out a back door that emptied into the little courtyard by the (now defunct and dry) fountain, across from the Pirate stage. Oh well. At least they gave us three of those Super FastPasses that are good anywhere. 

We are INSIDE the Castillo!  
It was past 4 by then, so we headed out to the buses and grabbed the bus for Port Orleans Riverside. There was some pasta with my name on it!

Riverside has a nice food court called Riverside Mill, which is right by Boatwright’s Dining Hall. Like other Disney food courts, it’s set up in stations, like Grill, Bakery, Italian, etc.  Over at the Italian station, they have a Create-Your-Own Pasta option. You tell the CM what type of pasta (penne, spaghetti, etc), what type of sauce (marinara, Alfredo), what type of proteins (shrimp, chicken, ground beef), and what type of add-ins (veggies galore, parm cheese, etc). You also get a ‘breadstick’ that is really a piece of over-toasted garlic bread. I wish I knew this before I ordered an additional trio of breadsticks….

They look SO much better than they actually are
Marinara for dipping - extremely chunky, like salsa (I didn't like it)
I got penne Alfredo with shrimp and Parmesan cheese. I love this pasta option!  I’ve had it before, but with chicken AND shrimp, which is why I went with all shrimp this time. The chicken was a bit rubbery and fake.  It cost about $10 and you definitely get what you pay for – I think this must have weighed five pounds!  I ate and ate and ate and ate…. And never got the MIDDLE much less the bottom. I ended up taking it back to the room (where I swiftly forgot that I even had it in the fridge).

Penne Shrimp Alfredo with Parmesan and a "Breadstick"
Kiddo got an individual pepperoni pizza and an order of breadsticks (she should have checked with me first! She didn’t like ‘em either). She did like the pizza though, which is a given.

Individual (adult) pepperoni pizza
Hubby got a turkey sammich with chips. The sammich was great, but the chips, while fine, were not Old Faithful chips….

Turkey Sammich with Homemade Chips
After dinner, we popped over to the dock to catch the Downtown Disney boat. Our plan was to boat to DTD, then take the boat to Saratoga Springs. I figured it would be easier than taking a bus to a park, then a bus to Saratoga.  Maybe we should’ve taken a bus…

We waited at the dock of POR for almost 45 minutes!  Each boat that came in was already pretty full and headed for DTD, so there was no room for new passengers.  That is one thing that sucks about DTD resorts.

Finally, though, we got on the boat and headed to Downtown Disney.  I can’t say it enough, I love that Disney offers transportation via boats and ferries. I love the feeling I get, just toolin’ down the river or waterway, the wind in my face, the smell of the water and the sun (or moon) light on the waves.

Let's take a ride on the Sassgagoula River
However, as much as I love the boat, I remember a huge snafu we had the LAST time we took a boat from DTD to Saratoga, so we were planning on finding the walkway that would take us to Saratoga, and coincidentally, close to Artist’s Palatte, where we could grab a snack to take back to the room.

The walk was uneventful, and we headed in for a snack. I noticed that they had out a “Runner’s Breakfast Box” in the fridge area. It had a bagel, peanut butter, a banana, granola bar and bottled water (if I’m reading the blurry label right). For $6.99, while not a great deal (to a frugal gal like me), if you are in a pinch and forgot to bring anything, it was a GREAT DEAL! 

Runner's Box - in the Cold Grab and Go Section
I passed on the Runner’s Box and all three of us got chocolate cupcakes. Ooh, they look so pretty (sorry for the iPhone photo).

Chocolate Cupcake with Vanilla Frosting
They weren’t. Lardy frosting. Blech. I think I only ate half of mine (sacrelige!) before handing it off to the Kiddo to eat.

It was time to get ready to go to bed. I’d already laid out my stuff on the counters and hung up my clothes, but I double and triple-checked that I did everything and laid everything out and charged everything.  I set the alarm on my iPod so that it would wake me up at 2:15 AM. I set the iHome alarm on the nightstand for 2:00 AM as well. I chugged a PowerAde, and another bottle of water. I took a shower and shaved my legs (no razor burn allowed!) and finally, after all that, I settled into bed to paint my nails.

Shoes, Antichafe goo, phone, sunblock, pain meds, Gu, iPod, the Stick, Breakfast, etc - so much stuff!
I found a PERFECT red with Sally Hansen Insta-Dry. It had really great coverage, really did dry pretty much instantly and was pretty chip-resistant (you'll see it in future photos on this trip report) 

I think I’ve said before why I paint my nails before a race, but in case I haven’t, here’s the abridged version – I can’t go psycho-anal crazy OCD woman and keep checking on everything if my nails are wet. Painting my nails forces me to focus on calming down, and lets me mentally prepare myself for the next day. This started last year when I did the first March of Dimes walk, and I’ve done it ever since. It’s become a ritual and I now match my polish to my outfit.

Anyway, everything is in its place, my nails are done. I’m full of cupcake and pasta, and I’m sloshing like a water balloon. Time to go to bed – sadly, it’s 10pm!  Lord help me tomorrow, I’m gonna run a HALF MARATHON!

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