Thursday, February 28, 2013

Walkin' Like Zoidberg - Princess Trip - Day 4 (Monday)

Welcome back!  Did you miss anything?  Here are links to the other parts of my Princess Trip Report.
Day 1 - The Princess Arrives at the Kingdom

I ran a half-marathon yesterday!!!! I’m gonna wear this medal until they pry it out of my cold dead hands!

You bet your ass I did it!
I’m feelin’ it today!!!!    I should’ve ice bath’ed a lot more yesterday, and walked around a lot more before getting on the bus to SSR.  Oh, well, I guess lessons learned for next year. Walking was a chore for days, and we eventually gave my style of walking a name “Walking like Zoidberg” – the crab (was he a crab?) from Futurama.  When I walked I kind of leaned back and cantered from side to side. It looked horrendous, but it helped, until I got warmed up.

Need a walking style? Why not Zoidberg?
Today we have reservations for breakfast at Trail’s End Buffeteria, my favorite buffet in all the World!  It’s over at Ft. Wilderness, so, from SSR, it was a bit of a travel. The easiest way to get there was to just head to MK, and ferry over on the resort boat.

We were pretty much the only ones on the boat, so the Kiddo had the entire inside to herself, while I (needing the leg room) stayed outside in the beautiful Florida February air.

Boating to Ft. Wilderness and BACON!
Still surreal that I ran UNDER this yesterday
Anyway, we made it (slowly) to breakfast and sat down at a nice-size table (I think it was the same table we sat at last time!). Buffet here is $15.99 and includes a beverage. What a deal! It is without a doubt, the best place on property to get great bacon. The bacon you get at other CS places is so thin you can read through it, and greasy, but this bacon has a real tooth to it, and you have to chew it a lot before swallowing. Not too chewy though, nor too crisp. Just damn perfect bacon. Can you tell I like the bacon? Really, go here for bacon. And try not to hear Jim Gaffigan in your head while you eat it.

They also have delicious eggs, sausage and a potato dish that is pretty awesome. We always end up stuffed, and this morning was no different. Well, there was one difference – I didn’t worry about calories or how stuffed I was – I’m eating back the thousand calories I used up yesterday!

After breakfast, we headed to MK, of course!  Our first stop was Snow White, right by City Hall.

After that was a quick pottie break, and then, since it wasn’t nearly as busy as it was over the weekend, we decided to give the Kiddo some freedom to explore the park by herself.

Hubby knew that I wanted some alone time to do photos, so all three of us went our separate ways and planned to meet up at the Adventureland rock bench (between AL and Liberty Square bridge) in a few hours.

I headed back to Town Square Theater. I could think of no one better to celebrate my medal with, than the Big Cheese himself. Plus, this line is usually long, and today it wasn’t. I was in and out within maybe 10 minutes and got a cute photo!

I'm taller than Mickey. I find that odd. 
I found Mary Poppins with one of her penguins right outside and got a photo with her too, before making my way up Main Street, hitting (I’m not kidding) EVERY SINGLE Photopass photographer along the way!

Most of the photographers seemed bored, but some played along and I got some good shots out of them.

How did I do it? I dunno!
Nuthin' - just chillin' with my medal in front of Cinderella Castle. Like any Monday.
I just love this medal (oh, and that is that Sally Hansen nail polish I used that I mentioned on Saturday)

I also got a few really good ones with my Photopass!

The next thing I did, and I’d been looking forward to doing, was taking photos of my medal draped over the cute statues in the Hub.  If I could’ve gotten close enough to hang it from Walt’s hand (the Partner Statue) I would have totally done that, but alas, too many flowers!

Here are some of my favorites.
Chip and Dale
Timothy Mouse (he's actually on the Dumbo statue)
Jiminy and Pinocchio
Donald looks like he's trying to auction it off
Bre'r Rabbit is rolling his eyes at my foolishness
Minnie, perhaps you need a smaller necklace?
Goofy is very confused - how did he get a medal?
Pluto is very happy with my medal
At this point, Hubby caught up with me and continued with me as I set out on my Princess Weekend Quest – get a photo with every princess while wearing my medal. (Spoiler – I didn’t get them all…)

First up – Tiana. She asked if I was going to have some gumbo after running all that way the day before. I thought it was a nice touch. Tiana has one of my favorite dresses, but what kind of corsetry (or sorcery) is under there to keep it up when little children hang on her?  I always think that she’s gonna have a nip-slip one day and scare little children.

I'm not sure what's up with my face here - maybe gumbo farts?
Our next stop was Merida, one of my favorite princesses. Can’t fight the heritage, I guess! Her hair looked a little bedraggled, and she was a bit wee for my liking, but she was cute.

We are strong Scottish Women!
I got to shoot the arrow afterwards, even though I’m not a 5-year-old. I missed.

We headed back to Town Square Theater and met the princesses next.

Sleeping Beauty. I think she asked if I was tired after running all that way.

She's not my favorite princess - can't figure out why I don't like her much...
Love Rapunzel!

Classic Old-School Princess Posing
If you are keeping track – I met 6 Princesses at Magic Kingdom today - Snow White, Tiana, Merida, Rapunzel, Aurora, Cinderella.  Still need to meet Ariel, Belle, Jasmine, Pocahantas, and Mulan.

On our way back to the Adventureland bench, we caught the Main Street Philharmonic, which I love to watch, but never get a chance to see a full show because we are rushing somewhere.  This time was no different, but I decided to pose for a photo before we took off. This is one of my favorite photos from the entire trip – I love Disney World! He’s so cute, too!

Toot toot, ya'll!
We met up with the Kiddo at the bench, and we decided it was time to head over to Epcot. We had a dinner reservation later, and I don’t like to rush.

Upon entering Epcot, we of course, rode Spaceship Earth. We always ride separate (I like to be able to stretch out!) and we ALWAYS thank the Phoenecians!

Last ride before dinner was Test Track. It’s better to go 67mph BEFORE eating dinner…

Dinner tonight is Via Napoli. We ate here back in October 2012 and fell in love with it, so of course I had to have it again for my awesome Princess Weekend!  We were seated quickly, and we were lucky to get a booth – my butt muscles were still sore and my cankles were swelling to the point of sausage-ness!

Dinner consisted of 1 large pepperoni pizza and an order of chicken Parmesan with roasted potatoes. We divided the chicken into 3 parts so that we each got a little, then all 3 of us devoured the pizza too. It was a great meal, filling, and not too expensive if you do it that way. You could probably do it with lasagna or a pasta too!

Large Pepperoni Pizza from Via Napoli - such a thing of beauty
Chicken Parmesan and Roasted Potatoes - could they spare the potatoes?
After dinner, it was dark, of course, and I got a few nice shots before Illuminations began. (I didn’t bring my tripod, so no super-awesome fireworks shots here).
Fire! FIRE! - Shut up, Bevis!
We sat for a while after the show was over, both to let our food settle and to let the crowds head out, before we began making our way to the front. Since we take the Odyssey bridge back towards the front, Hubby noticed that Test Track was still running, so he and the Kiddo single-rider’ed it, then came out and said that there were unannounced Extra Magic Hours for the night.

I was EXHAUSTED by this time, so I told them to stay for as long as they wanted, but I needed to limp my way back to SSR and crash.  They gleefully ran back to Test Track as I made my way towards Mousegear. Since I was single for the moment, I wanted to fondle some of the Disney Dooney’s.  I didn’t pay for one of the special Princess Dooney’s but I really wanted to get something special from this weekend (more than just a magnet or t-shirt).  I think I touched every bag in the section, and had a heart-attack multiple times from the sticker shock, but soon my feet were screaming more than my shopping gene, and I waddled my way to the bus stop.

Back at the room, I took off my shoes and put on some new band-aids on my toes.  Pretty, huh? (I never noticed the gross hair stuck to my foot until I uploaded here - so BONUS!)

Yes, I have hairy, fat, man-toes. On normal days, I also have ankles. 
I think Hubby and the Kiddo rolled in about 2 hours later. I was still awake, but just barely…  What a long day!

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